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Ulziibat Enkhtur

Ulziibat Enkhtur is a member of the 'Neg-Uudel Mongolian Performance Art Group.' The group is a Mongolian trio of artists whose work includes visual art, performance art, contemporary dance, Mongolian traditional "Long Song" performance, installation, and land art.


In addition, she is a freelance artist who presents her work individually through contemporary dance, performance art, visual art, and installations.


Ulziibat Enkhtur, born in Mongolia, has lived in Switzerland since 2007. Her undergraduate degree was in anthropology and civilization studies, and she participated in 18 NGOs and 12 religious groups in Mongolia.

Since 2010, she has worked independently with freelance artists, felt-making cooperatives, and yak wool producers, and she has created her Swiss brand, 'Mongolian Handicrafts.' Growing up in the steppes, she naturally supported the nomadic lifestyle and introduced it to the outside world.

She assisted many young artists and artisans in organizing exhibitions, creating portfolios and websites, and participating in local and international events.

She has written three storytelling books in Mongolian and co-wrote a French storytelling book called 'Yak and His Friends.' She is a storyteller who writes for both children and adults. She also hosts storytelling events that involve dance and performances at ethnic festivals and cultural events in Mongolia and Switzerland.


She is a review writer and communication assistant at the "Blue Sun Contemporary Art Center of Mongolia." Her objective is to offer her best to Mongolian contemporary artists.


She initiated the 'Essence Performance Art Group,' composed of Swiss and Mongolian artists enthusiastic about traveling to remote locations, creating a concept on the spot, and performing.

The future group performances will involve traveling to various locations worldwide, specifically wild natural areas like mountains, steppes, deserts, and seas, to reveal the mystery of Mother Earth.


Every spring, she presents her self-choreographed dances to the audience. She is a member of the 'Coïncidanse Dance School and Performance Art Community.'

Ulziibat Enkhtur - Neg-Uudel.JPG

Professional work

Performance Artist/communication manager

Coïncidanse - Ecole de danse (2017 - present)


⎼ Communication Assistant

Blue Sun Mongolian Contemporary Art Center



-founder/ curator/designer/director

Mongolian handicrafts -art&handicraft creation brand



-Artist/Performer/ Dancer/ Singer - NEG-UUDEL Mongolian trio performance art group


- Founder and performer of the ESSENCE- Performance Art Project. 

Ulziibat Enkhtur - Neg-Uudel (2).jpg


*Initiated, Organized, and performed- ESSENCE Performance Art Project - Mongolia, 2024

* Commagen Biennale, Adyaman Turkey - Group Performance and Installation, 2024

* Performance with the “Nomadic Wave” Performance Art Group in the Gobi desert, Mongolia, 2023,

* Lost Rivers- Contemporary Dance - International Art Project, Mongolian Contemporary Art Support Association, Mongolia 2023,

*Performance of the "Horse Totem" self-choreographed dance and the storytelling - Festival des 5 Continents, 2023, Martigny, Switzerland,

*Performance of the "Nomadic Waves" and the Storytelling, Lunar New Year Fest, 2021 and 2022, Neuchatel, Switzerland,

*Performance and the self-choreographed dance - Ave Maria- ' Fête de Bastringue,' 2023,

Le Locle, Switzerland,

*Performance and the self-choreographed dance - Ave Maria- 'Coïncidanse' dance school Annual Concert, 2023, Le Locle, Switzerland,

*Performance and the self-choreographed dance - Wolf Totem - 10th Anniversary of 'Coïncidanse' Dance School Concert, 2021, Le Locle, Switzerland,

*Performance and the self-choreographed dance - Wolf Totem - 'Promo Festival, 2021, Le Locle, Switzerland,

Work Expierence

Freelance Work

Full-time curator for the Mongolian artisans (2010-present)


Part-time Content creator, writer, and storyteller (2015-present)


Part-time assistant for the Mongolian artists (2017-present)


Part-time communication manager (2017-present) Part-time performance artist (2017-present)

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